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Hashtag #PaperLeaves

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On Instagram, search by using hashtag #PaperLeaves to discover all the different varieties of leaves made from paper. Monstera, oxalis, rex begonia, rubber plant, variegated plant leaves; leaves created from painting, cutting, folding, creasing. For real, beleaf - plants definitely make people happy.

Fine Wildlife Papercut

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Ultra, über fine wildlife nature inspired papercut, by San Francisco based papercut artist Kanako Abe.  The intricate and delicate paper cut technique is based on Ise-katagami (伊勢型紙) - a traditional Japanese paper craft technique composed of fine repeated patterns and shapes bringing these squirrels, bears, butterflies, forest plants and wildlife to life! 

Definitely no cabin fever, but an inspiration to head out to the woods!

Photos courtesy of Kanako Abe's Instagram account @abemanatee