We Make You Smile


Japanese Crochet Cakes

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Cake, cake and more cake. Especially when they are these super cute knitted, crochet, beaded cake delights, one more slice please. They are so intricately made, adorned with sparkling or frosted beads, buttons, that makes the cakes look as good as real. Our favourite pâtisserie discovered to date, on tumblr by illustrator Sekonya. This is cake heaven for cake lovers. 

Not only cakes are available on this Tumblr site, doughnuts, pies, parfait and Japanese desserts such as wagashi and kakigori too. 

Pie is 3.14 and more

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It's clearly pie weather. Brr.... and with the new pie emoji we simply couldn't resist the temptation of not doing a blog post on pie.

Via Instagram we came across these beautiful pie designs via instagram account LokoKitchen. It's beautifully in many ways, the lines, the stacking, the colours, the geometrics to a certain extent that remind of us of spirographs. Definitely more yum and fun than what a normal 3.14 pie circle will have. Delish! Fancy some pie?

Spur Magazine おやつ部

press, yumI AM AComment

Arigatōgozaimashita to Spur Magazine in Japan. Thank you for featuring our special editions of Japanese pencils and a lovely write up about your visit to the “Pencil Bar” at Loft Ginza in Tokyo on your blog, we are truly grateful どうもありがとうございました. 

spur magazine loft ginza feature.png

If you enjoy fashion, yummy food and Japanese culture check out Spur Magazine which has both an online and print magazine. 

If like us, you love cakes, pastries and snacks,  you will have to check our their food photos 🍰 , *warning* it will make you go very very very hungry 🤤. SPUR Magazine has even set up a SPUR snack section hashtag "#Spurおやつ部" on Instagram, ultra cute right?

Check it out, some of our favourite snacks include:

Cardboard British Biscuits

paper, yum, designI AM AComment

Biscuits are always on our minds, especially during elevenses, when biscuits are dunked in a hot drink. Mark O'Brien a cardboard craftsman based in Manchester crafts amazing objects out of cardboard as props for theatres, shop displays etc. The objects he has created included shoes, robots, post boxes. Our favourite, however, are definitely these signature British biscuits including Custard Cream, Pink Wafer, Digestive, Party Ring, Bourbon cream - not dunkable but definitely adorable.

British Biscuits.jpg

All Day Breakfast

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Lazy Autumn Sunday has us craving for warm cooked brunch. We love discovering brunch places on a weekend enjoying breakfast and reading the papers. This brings us back fond memories in Tokyo 🇯🇵 when we head to “World Breakfast All Day” in Shibuya, Tokyo not far from Omotesandō, 表参道.

This little cute spot not only is the decor delectable. The shelfie, displays of packaging, menu and graphics are fun, eclectic, full of retro vibes and nostalgias; featuring breakfasts from different parts of the world. It’s a feast for the belly and eyes. We always have a soft spot for a fryup, the smell of bacon and eggs.

We think the term “All Day Breakfast” is greatly apt as we can really have breakfast food all day! 😋🍳🥓🍞☕️.

PS. If you are a paper crafts lover, they have published a book on origami breakfasts too 🙋🏻‍♀️❤️📔✂️

A shelfie of packaging delights  

A shelfie of packaging delights  

Soul satisfying working kitchen with retro vibes

Soul satisfying working kitchen with retro vibes

Royal baking powder brings back on nostalgic memories

Royal baking powder brings back on nostalgic memories

Cute product graphics descriptions blurb on breakfast condiments and ingredients from around the world  

Cute product graphics descriptions blurb on breakfast condiments and ingredients from around the world  

Origami paper breakfast  

Origami paper breakfast  

Full English Breakfast - Eggs, Baked Beans, Fried Bread, Sausages, Tomatoes and Hash Brown

Full English Breakfast - Eggs, Baked Beans, Fried Bread, Sausages, Tomatoes and Hash Brown

The address is as follows:

World Breakfast All Day

3-1-23-1F Jingumae

Shibuya-ku, Tokyo, Japan

British Chocolate Bars Cross Section

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Cross sections of some of our favourite chocolate bars including a Snicker, a Crunchie, a Twix and a Flake.

As Charles M. Schulz, creator of Peanuts once said “All you need is love. But a little chocolate now and then doesn't hurt.” 

Here's our favourite little bits of chocolate snapped in photo format. In the event we run out, having a photo of our favourite chocolate bar, hopefully, help curb the cravings.

Chocolate Cross Sections.jpg